Previously, The Kingdom of Cambodia known as Kampuchea.
Cambodia located Southeast Asia, bordering the Gulf of
Thailand, Laos, and Vietnam. Its total area of 181 035 square Kilometers in the
heart of East Asia and it’s affected by tropics where is the points are only
slightly more than 10o above the equator. There are 24 provinces, and divided 4 areas of
total land, those are plain area, Mountain area, Beach area (K4 areas), and
Tole Sap area (Angkor Wat. Two dominant features are the Tole Sap Lake and The Mekong
River, which flow from north to south. Mekong
River is the longest one.
Cambodia is Potential tourism destination in the 21
centuries, which are History-Cultural and Natural Tourism sites, consists many
places where to visit. Now day, the country has been developing on man-mad
sites, not only cultural and natural tourism sites. Because the developing on tourism sector that
contribute to the economy, people, and cute dow poverty, so there are
communities based Eco-tourism that support by NGO, Government Organization.
Like most of Southeast Asia, Cambodia’s climate is hot and
warm almost year round. The climate is affected by monsoon cycle of rainy and
dry season. That the rainy season start from May to October, and from November
to April is dry season. In additional, from December to January is the cool
time. The average temperature is 25 to 28 Co.
The total population might over 14 million peoples. Ninety
percent resident are Khmer, and beside this are the minority as well as
Vietnamese, Cham (Khmer Muslim), Chinese, Indian, Phnorng, Kouy, Stieng, Thai,
Tompoun, Krueng, Tamil, etc. the population desity is 78/km2.
Phnom Penh City (Plain Area) |
Tonle Sap Lake |
Plain Area |
Angkor Wat (Tonle Sap area) |
Mountain Area |
Beach Area |
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